Artist statement
I have needed to paint and draw for as long as I can remember. Childhood memories are of delving into a special cupboard in the kitchen where there was always paper, wax crayons, and palettes of water colour paint with frustratingly watery shades. Wax crayons were my favourite medium and cats and flowers my favourite subject matter. In hindsight very little has changed in over 50 years! After working in felted wool for some years as a 'painting' medium I have returned to painting with acrylic and gouache as my preferred mediums. Acrylic for still life observations of subject matter in my studio and gouache for outdoor sketching or illustrations for greetings card designs.
Still life painting is often sidelined and not seen as 'trendy', but having been surrounded by the genre all of my life (both my mother and grandmother painted avidly) I seem to be unintentionally drawn to it. Favourite artists include Mary Fedden and the Scottish Colourists. After several years of trying to please others by painting what I felt my audience were seeking, I am now happy to simply paint the things which make me happy and please my eye. I work on a painting until it gives me the right feeling inside and this often means putting it aside and returning to it weeks or months later when I view it again and suddenly realise why it is not sitting comfortably with me.
Many artists in history have had cats and I find my ginger Sid is the best studio companion, always eager to follow me down the garden and hop onto his special chair.
My Story
Born in Leicester (England), I grew up in an environment where art was always a part of my life as both my mother and grandmother painted. The love of colour and creativity remained with me, although I originally pursued a scientific career, obtaining a degree in biology. This degree (awarded by Leicester University) was broad-based and I was able to dip into a little art history, pottery and printing before selecting biology as my major subject. Over the following years I took several evening classes in life drawing, painting and ceramics. I stayed home to raise our children and spent my creative energies on designing and making children's clothing for several years.
Whilst I raised a family, I decided to return to formal study and took a Scottish Higher in art at James Watt College, Greenock in Scotland. After this I was accepted onto a one year Portfolio course at the Glasgow School of Art. I then continued my studies in the design field, taking a two year H.N.D. in Stitched Textile and Fashion at Cardonald College Glasgow, completed in 2003. Throughout these courses, drawing in all its forms was emphasised and my horizons for experimenting with many different media widened.
In 2003, I followed my husband to North Carolina where his work commitments had taken him. Here I found the time to work on experimenting with textile and painting. Through the Visual Art Exchange in Raleigh and the Fine Arts League of Cary I had the opportunity to exhibit in several group shows and was represented by the Michael Lecher Gallery, Cary NC.
In 2006 we returned to Scotland to live and I worked from my home studio in Kilmacolm. Being part of the Clyde Coast Spinners and Weavers Guild introduced me to wool as a 'painting' medium and I was fortunate to learn many new skills from them. Galleries in Scotland continue to stock and sell my work (see stockist list).
In December 2014 we relocated to Petersfield, Hampshire where I now work from my garden studio.
I have also published several ranges of greetings card designs and enjoy applying designs to textile, available as tea towels and gift items. I spend a good deal of time in my garden studio painting with acrylic, sketching in the garden or working on smaller design ideas using gouache. Special commissions are always welcome. You will also find some of my designs translated to needlepoint tapestry kits by Cleopatra's Needle who specialise in premium kits sold through many outlets including John Lewis.
I regularly show my work in galleries and venues around the Hampshire/Surrey/East Sussex region and stock my cards and gift items further afield.
If you are an independent retailer looking to stock my cards please get in touch for trade prices and information.